Interview for the Sociedad Espacial Astronomica de México, 10 February 2022, Day of Girls and Women in Science.
Leader of the Astronomy exposition at the interpretation center of Thermosolar Plant Cerro Dominador, May 2021
Interview for newspaper El Mercurio dedicado a Argentina (25 de mayo de 2021).
Chair of the Jornada Cientifica RCAChile: Caminos de la Investigación Científica Regional Postpandemia, November, 2020
Cosmos 2019 Workshop for secondary students as part of the Science Fair at Universidad Andres Bello, 2019.
Talk for general public in series ‘Una Mirada al Cielo’, UNAB, April 2019.
Advisor for the astronomy book of the series of books for children produced by Fundación Leer, Argentina, 2018.
Cosmos 2018 Workshop for secondary students as part of the Science Fair at Universidad Andres Bello, 2018.
Coordination of the event Eclipse Anular for general public, Aysen, 2017.
Public talk: The Universe we live in, Antofagasta, 2016. 
Interview for L’Oreal Argentina: Woman in Science, 2016 (youtube product).
Interview for article on the stellar age of the Milky Way Halo, press release Nature Physics, El Mercurio & La Tercera, September 2016.
Talk Explora 2015, Escuela Nuestra Señora del Loreto, Santiago, 2015.
Interview for article The origin of the Universe in El Mercurio July 2015.
Public talk: El universo en que vivimos, Logia Andrés Bello. Santiago, Chile, 2015.
TV interview Programa: Rueda de Noticias 24 Horas, Canal 24 Horas (Daniel Silva) Hora: 26/09/2015.
Presentation of Galaxy Zoo in Buenos Aires, March 2014.
Organization and participation in the exposition: Espacio y Tiempo, desde el origen de la vida hasta la inmensidad del Universo. Centro Cultural Palacio La Moneda, 2014
Talk in Noche de Los Museos, Buenos Aires, 2012, 2013.
Interview in the series Caminos II dedicated to science (shown in TV and youtube), Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología, Argentina, 2012.
Extended workshops on Galaxies for secondary students, IAFE, Buenos Aires, 2011.
Con los ojos en el Cielo y los pies en la Tierra, V. Engler & P. Tissera, Ciencia Hoy (artículo), Argentina, 2006.